Ed4Career Blog | Category: Productivity

Attractive man with arms raised in success in front of laptop

Online education, when done right, is no easier than education provided in a brick and mortar building. However, to be a successful online learner requires a certain skill set. For some, these skills are innate. For others, they may need to be learned and practiced.

The Power of Positive Affirmations

By Kris Powers | June 27th 2018

Two hands making a heart in the sand

Negative thoughts can become self-fulfilling prophecies and can affect our personal lives, relationships, careers and much more. It is much better, instead, to think and give voice to positive thoughts, to build ourselves up instead of tear ourselves down.

Start Your Week With Intention

By Kris Powers | June 20th 2018

A "To Do" Board full of Post-Its

Here are some steps you can take to make Mondays, and the days that follow, a bit easier.

Image of a desk with an alarm clock

Learn more about the importance of taking frequent breaks to allow your mind to recharge and improve motivation here.